This week was a little bit of a dissapointment, as we had a snow day. This made it impossible for us test in the water on wednesday. This week I started working on the density calculation in order to see how much weight I had to add. I ran into some issues with figuring out how much volume the float displaced, as 1 cubic millimeter is not a mililiter. Once I got that figured out, I designed a weight system that is very similar to the weights last year, as those worked very well. This year I am using two 1/4 steel plates, and a specially designed 1/8 plate to get us to exactlyish 1.3 kilograms.

Tube with base plate on
Here is the tube that has the acrylic base welded onto it, this is what the weights attach to.
CAD Screenshot
Here is the CAD file of the weights. You can see the two larger weights, and a smaller angry dorito to add that little bit of extra weight.