This week was pretty dry as the float is pretty much done hardware wise for its first test. This has left me with very little to do in shop. The one project that I have been working on this week was the waterproofing of the antenna, which I am pretty sure will work well now. I still have a few kinks to work out, however these aren’t particularly time consuming. I have also started working on the floats internal documentaiton. This will greatly help whoever writes the technical document for the competition, as they will have all of the information that they need in one area.

So far the antenna uses its SMA to ULF connector to waterproof it, with a custom gasket. I still need to figure out if the washer makes it not watertight, but that is something that will be done today.

This is the antenna mounting and waterproofing solution, you can see the gasket and washer that help distrobute the load.