This week is when the Pillow block started to really pick up speed. On friday I used the tormach to mill the profile of the pillow block, which was very sucessful for my first time using the cnc funtion of the mill.

This is mid cut in the tormach. This was the only part of the process I did on the CNC machines as it was the only part that had somewhat complicated geometry

after that I now had to remove it from the stock. Now I wanted to just put it on the bandsaw but it didn’t fit in the horizontal one, and the vertical one wouldv’e been really sketchy. So I chucked it up in the manual mill and faced about an inch of material off of it, which took me about a day.

Removing stock
This was a lot of material to face off. I dont really want to do something like this again

After that What I did was quickly bring it to thickness and then it was time for that pesky angle. I had a few Ideas, and unfortunatly we dont have a sine bar other wise that would be perfect. What I ended up doing is arbitrarily setting it close to where I though 7 degrees was, and then seeing how much it rose as I went along its length, and comparing that with the trig I had done. After that was good I just milled the flat in it and the Part was done.

Part at the angle
Here is the part at its angle in the vice

Now I need to get the bushing, cut a slit into it, and then push it into place while on the steering column, and then screw the part into place, which will definitly be interesting.