This week I kept working on the Brackets for the linear actuator, which hasn’t really had any setbacks. Unfortunatly parallel to that when we were adding the box for the control board on the working golfcart, something that I had a softmore whip up, the capacitors on the board exploded quite spectacularly. This was mainly because the power was plugged in backwards, which wasn’t without reason but with most of the reason being that I’m stupid. The Last few days have really just been me remaking the board as lots of the internals have been irepreablly damaged, as there was no reverse polarity protection.

Exploded Board
These capacitors made a suprisingly loud noise when they exploded.

On friday I figured out that I needed to actually mount the actuator off to the side of the frame in order for it to fit, which actually has many benifits beyond making it fit. With this stratagy I also only need to make one full bracket. The other side I can just put a shoulder bolt and spacer through.

New Bracket
The Bracket will be screwed into the frame from the side