Ben Wirz
Robotics and Engineering Student, and Aviation Enthusiast
Recent Posts
Senior Week 15
This week was a lot of house keeping for the 2 axis stage project. I started the make machining drawings for all of the parts that it needs, as the plan is to start machining after we get back from winter break. This week I also started to work on the coupler that connects the motor to the micrometer, which is pretty boring as its just fiddling with numbers till it fits both.
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Senior Week 14
Once I realizer that the stage was going to be late on its delivery date, I decided to try to model it with a lot of perameters and try to make it super adjustable. I think that this was an interesting yet hard exercise which I enjoyed. What I didn’t enjoy quite as much was getting the stage and then realizing that 3/4 of the modeling work I had done was useless.
2 minute read
Senior Week 13
This week I started a new project. In my science class we need to do a science project, and Tanzy Azamzy, Joey Campbell and I, have decided to do research on Electromagnetic Fault injection. We specifically want to know how the shape of the Electromagnetic Field generated effects the probability of sucess for each spot on the chip. I am not an expert on this in the slightest, although I do find it pretty cool, however I am pretty good at mechanical engineering for a Highschooler, so my job at the moment is to make a stepper motor controlled XY stage.
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